Nutty Hiker Adventures

Contact Us

If you would like to send us a comment, question, or suggestion, you may do so by using the following form. You will receive a response shortly.

DEAR MILITARY SPOUSE: The Dear Military Spouse Column has moved to our owner's site: Nutty Hiker Adventures. Please visit that site to ask questions.

BOOK/MOVIE/PRODUCT REVIEWS: If you are looking to have an item reviewed, you will need to send Bridget the item. Please note that you will be responsible for shipping and the item will not be returned. Once Bridget receive's the item, she will review it and an article will be written and syndicated on the sites and newsletters she writes for. Please note that reviews have been moved to our owners site Nutty Hiker Adventures. If you wish to have an item review please use this contact form instead!

If you have a question about this site, please contact Bridget through her Nutty Hiker Adventures site.





July 18, 2001