Nutty Hiker Adventures

Military Poems

All poems on this site were either submitted, or sent to us through e-mail. All poems are author unknown unless otherwise stated. If you are the author or know who the author is, please let the webmaster of this site know, so proper credit can be given for these wonderful and touching poems. Please include the Poem you are responding about.

To have a poem reviewed for inclusion in this site please send it to us. Please read these guidelines before submitting a poem:

Poems must pertain to or be about the Marine Corps or Military in general.
Poems must not be submitted in ALL CAPS
You must be the author of the poem
You must include your full name (First and Last)
The Poem MUST have a title.

Poems that are submitted and do not meet the guidelines will be deleted. Should we choose to include your poem you will be notified via e-mail.

The Military Spouse
The Marine
Merry Christmas, My Friend
If Daddy Says Good-Bye
Recipe For A Military Spouse
Gunny Bush's Poems
Marvin Levin Poem
Just Thought You Should Know
The Silent Reaper
Sleep USA
Always Faithful
Troubled Veteran
Poems by Cpl Mena






July 18, 2001